Tuesday 31 March 2015


Hey. It's been a very long time since my last post, aye? I promised that I will start decorating this blog but I didn't. It's not that I don't have time. I don't feel like writing. 
But today, I'm feeling something isn't right. Like I've been keeping it for too long that I can't handle it anymore. Well I just want to express but by tweeting, isn't enough. Not enough at all. 
I'm that type of person who tend to keep my real thoughts, my real feelings, my real emotions instead of showing it. 
When people argues, I tend to keep quiet. Not that I don't have my own opinion, I just don't feel like sharing cause nobody's gonna hear it. Nobody  cares. Nobody's being serious. They just want to talk and show that they know while actually they only just follow what others' saying. 
If I have problems, I might grieve, but then I act and fake a laugh. Not a smile, a laugh. And say everything's fine when I'm not. And I will hop on other people's problem trying to forget my own. It does work. I'll get something from it. It's not useless. But still, I know that in the inside, this soul crave to be loved, to be noticed. 
I don't know. Maybe a wallflower is the word that fits me well. That's all for now. 
May Allah bless. 

Saturday 21 February 2015


Finally, it's the fifth entry. Gonna be the last for today. Five post in a row. How lifeless I could be.

This is an escapism.

That is how you're gonna read my blog address.

What i'm going to point out in this entry is


The tendency to escape from daily routine or reality by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy or entertainment.

To be exact, my reality is kinda hard on me so I take writing in a blog as some sort of escapism. I do really love to write so when your mind speaks alot, writing can ease your mind.

So here, this is my escapism, I'll write what I want and this is not a religious or an informative blog. This is just some rants. Maybe there'll be some deep entries but still, it will be just another rant. I don't take this blog to entertain other people. It's just a place to kill time and to say out loud what's on my mind. Feel free to read and feel free to just pass by.

May your life be blessed.


Entri kali ini dalam bahasa Melayu. 
Kata ganti nama diri digunakan sepanjang menulis dalam bahasa Melayu : kau, aku.

Raihanah. Bukan nama sebenar dan langsung tak berkaitan dengan nama sebenar aku. Kenapa Raihanah? Ramai yang tak tahu, Rasulullah saw menggelarkan anak perempuan sebagai Raihanah, yang membawa maksud, Penawar. Dan aku sangat suka dengan nama ni. Penuh kelembutan dan kasih sayang.

Tinggi martabat seorang anak perempuan itu sehingga seorang bapa diamanahkan untuk menjaganya dan kemudian amanah itu diserahkan kepada suami.

Okay, itu sekadar selingan. Aku memang nak jadi penawar kepada orang sekeliling aku. Bukanlah aku tak ada masalah, tapi kegembiraan orang lain turut terkesan dekat diri sendiri.

So yea, I want to be anyone's Raihanah, if Allah wills. terselit jugak bahasa Inggeris dekat situ. Moga anak2 perempuan akan kekal menjadi penawar buat kesayangan mereka.

Moga diberkati.


Another post. I'm making this quick. When it reach my fifth post, I'll start editing what I should. I don't even know where to start. My last blog was deleted around 3 years ago. And i can't remember what I've been writing.

A very short entry since I don't really have anything on my mind. It's late already, yet I can't sleep. I don't remember how it feels to sleep at night. Because I barely have a good sleep for the time being.

Need to google everything, I assume. 😥
May Allah ease.


Bismillah. So what's a blog without it's owner,aye? This is a post where i'm going to tell some little things about me.
I'm a girl, a muslim as you can see and i'm a Malaysian. Berbangsa Melayu. Saya boleh berbahasa Melayu dan Inggeris. Kalau bahasa Arab boleh baca dan tulis sahaja. Masih belajar dan mencari, selamanya akan terus mencari.

Well, this should be written in my profile but for now, i'm too lazy to edit anything on my blog. I'll just keep on writing. I'm doing this cause i really got a lot of time to kill.

Till we meet again, May your life be blessed.


So, this is the beginning of a new blog. I used to have a blog before but it was deactivated. Since I didn't have much time to take care of it.

Now, unused time is all that I've got and I've decided to create a new one. I will just rant on anything that's been on my mind or even rant on my daily activities.

Why or what's behind my blog title and the url will be revealed in the next post. Forgive me for my bad grammar. I'll write in english and malay from time to time.

May Allah ease.